Friday, January 25, 2008

Teenage Drama

My older son is now old enough to get his permit.

He has been actually for a few months now.

Because of his "couldn't give a shat attitude" that hit when his hormones took off I made a proclamation that he will not get desired permit until his grades improve.

I also removed the part time job from his schedule .. after MUCHO warnings about the grades improving.( Yes his MOM made him QUIT)

So .... halfway through a new school year and I'm still not seeing much improvement.
This leads me to think that maybe I have approached this all wrong.

Should I allow him to get that golden permit .. ya know let him get all cozy and comfy behind the wheel. Allow him to think he has won the battle only to snatch it away if the grades still don't improve ?

I have been thinking it's hard to miss something that you never had in the first place, but a 16 yr old that has had his foot on an accelerator and then loses that ...

Hmmmmm points to ponder.


Mama said...

Ohhh - now I sort of like the idea of making him get it and not letting him use it....except of course, when he's older, to tote his brother around to shat when you don't want to.


Drama "O" said...

Yes Mama

I'm thinking it's evil but just the RIGHT mix of evil ;)

MNBandMom said...

Rachel is currently taking driver's ed here. The cool thing about Rachel is that she hasn't learned how to use the "angles" yet. Her grades are good ( if she gets a B+ we have major drama here outta her. The "poor me" hits and "I won't get into a good college" mantra replays on the hour every hour )...she's reasonably responsible etc. That said, I think the approach IS TO let him get the permit and then utilize the "car usage" as leverage on his behavior.