Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Can't wait to get BIG !

Tomorrow morning we have to take our youngest son to the hospital for some short stay testing.

As if being granted Autism wasn't enough for this kid he has also been graced with Asthma , severe pet allergies , glasses and now .....

Short Stature.

Our Irish heritage doesn't exactly lend itself to "Tall" family members but now he has even fallen below the expected norm of an Irishman.

It is now starting to become apparant to him as well.
Which from the Autism point of view is great ... he is recognizing his "differences" more and more. Many times now he can also see outside his own little box and how is actions DO affect others.
Just this one time though it would be fine with me if it didn't bother him.

Alas the World of Autism is no exact science.

So bright and early on Jan 31st we go to the hospital for a Growth Hormone Stimulation Test.

What concerns me though is that he thinks he will "magically" be taller by the time he arrives back home.
While I have explained that he will need an IV to have medicine put into it to see if has enough Growing cells in his blood , I'm afraid he thinks they are putting something IN to make him shoot up 3 inches by the time we leave.

At 12 1/2 and 53 inches I get that he wants to be taller. All the kids in Middle School are now flying past him, and at times teasing him because he is so small.

So by the end of tomorrow I believe I will have A TON of explaining to do, if I can just find the right words to make him understand.

OHHH I know .. I need to channel my Mormon friend.

What would the Mormon do ???


MNBandMom said...

The Mormon would go to the Legion and drink heavily. Honestly!

Mama said...

I'd point out to him all the very cool short people in existence. Additionally, I'd lie and tell him any people he believes are cool and are tall (James Bond, etc.) are in fact, midgets.

Lastly, this is the horrific thing I do with my own children....I tell them all these horrible things will happen. They'll lose organs, they'll get poked a minimum of 3,000 times, etc. Then, when it doesn't happen, they're totally happy.

I can see where that might not be a good idea with a super literal child, though. 0_0

Mama said...

I've been thinking of ya today! I'll call in the school car line and see if you have any scoop.