Friday, January 25, 2008

Family Drama

It is taking me some time to figure out where to start on the Family drama stories.

Do I start out by telling you about some of the dramas in our childhood ?

Like the time my youngest brother stuck his foot down a drainpipe and the fire department had to be called to get his foot out.
This wouldn't have been as hard to do if my Mother wasn't in the background going .. I just got him those shoes TODAY ! Do you really have to cut it off ??

Heck 5 kids in the 60's with a father still working his way up the ladder this was a BIG deal.

Or do I recall the time we left the same brother at age 4, on the sidewalk as we all drove away to go visit my grandmother a few hours away ?
Returning to find him in the same spot we left him on the sidewalk SCREAMING his head off with the neighbors surrounding him because he refused to move.
Look the rest of us TRIED to tell our parents he was AWOL but they just told us to "shut up back there" as they crammed us all (along with a few tagalong friends) in the way back of a station wagon. Seat belts and car seats are you KIDDING ?? If they could shut the back gate without slamming a leg in the gate we were good to go.
Finally we get the attention of one of our parents and we returned for him.
Maybe this is how we develop "issues" in adulthood.

Like I said earlier I'm still trying to figure out the order of dramas .. because believe me adulthood brings some doozies !


Mama said...

I never heard the shoe one - DYING!!!! Oh man - poor Sara!!!

(OH - and lol - the word verification for this post - the end says, "ufo." I don't know why, but that is cracking me up...)

MNBandMom said...

Mit, your life is like one big situation comedy isn't it....

Drama "O" said...

UFO .. yes that fits in my life !

MM if only we could get paid for these situation comedies.

As of late, we are still having to pay to participate.