Wednesday, May 28, 2008

VENT ! Ok now Breathe in 1 2 3 ... Breathe out 1 2 3

For those of you that have the wonderful and blessed opportunity to "chat" with me on a regular basis you are aware of some of the "drama's" that have been occuring here over the last year concerning my youngest son.

Today I want to say ............


Seriously I am starting to think it's wayyyyyy overrated !

Ok Ok .. Now I will Breathe In , Out , In , Out ... Better now TY !

Of course education is important .. vital even.

It's the GETTING one that is not always as easy as one in this great country of ours is led to believe.

I had the sad experience of reading and listening to a story about a teacher in FL who had her kindergarten class "Vote" as to whether they should keep a student in their class.
5 and 6 yr olds. What the hell was she thinking ???

According to the Mother the teacher also encouraged the other classmates to give reasons "why" this student should be cast out. Even with their limited vocabulary they were able to come up with some very hurtful adjectives.

Not surprisingly this child has recently been tested for Autism or more specifically Aspergers disorder.
Aspergers is on the Autism spectrum. In laymans terms at the high functioning end.
I am not going to go into what it is or how it presents itself as most of my blogger friends that read this already know.

Thats amazing too as they have taken the time to educate themselves on it. Not because all of them had too personally but because they are our friends and family and have taken the time to try to understand our child.
I do need to note that "High Functioning" doesn't mean "less affected" it just means affected in a different way than others may be on the Autism Spectrum.

I am dealing with this myself as the parent of a "A child with Autism on the High Functioning" end of the Spectrum.

Fortunately for us with the exception of a few, we have had wonderful teachers.
Kind, caring teachers who listen to your concerns and try to address them.

That said it is my experience that the school districts themselves would rather spend tons of the districts tax dollars ducking and dodging the services these kids need instead of addressing them before it gets to that point.
They seem to forget that WE TOO are taxpayers in the district and are only asking for an appropriate education for our children by qualified teachers.
I can't even count how many times I have had to "educate" some of the professionals within the school district on just what Autism is.

Sorry crazy teacher lady in FL these kids are here to stay.
Deal with it and if you can't, then you need to find a new profession.
Preferably one that doesn't involve empathy for another human being.

FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education) is a right granted to EVERY child not just the ones that you find "less annoying".
The services that should have been provided to that child in FL are now going to be on the front burner.
Sadly at the expense of the child and his family.

As I type we are still in that process ourselves. Trying to get an IEP together that works for my son and can and will be implemented as well.
It is frustrating beyond words but we continue to march on ... we have too, My son's future is depending on it.

1 comment:

MNBandMom said...

You know.... some days you just have to shake your head.

Read your email. I sent you something on this.