We have an ending to a previous drama.
My son's meds were approved by the insurance company !
Wooo Hoo !!
He can now begin "growing" again.
Thats the good thing ... the iffy part for him is just how that growing gets done and who is responsible for making that happen.
Me .. I am the one that "makes it happen".
Me, coming at him with the meds to make it happen which involves ultra fine needle injections 2 x a day.
It's not the kind of growth med that the athletes are using to improve their bodies and their game. If you are an adult and have already stopped growing, this will do nothing for you. Due to that there is only a limited number of years, depending on your childs age and development, that this therapy can be used and be effective. It will only work in children that have been diagnosed with Severe Primary IGF-1.
He has been prepped for this for months. We have talked at length about having to "get a shot" 2 times a day so that he knew there would be no delusions when and if it started. He is totally onboard for it because he realizes this is the only way to help him catch up in his height and be able to meet eye to eye with "Joe" at school.
Joe the kid that has come up with all kinds of descriptive monikers (insert sarcasm here) for his height.
The starter kit of medications arrived last week. It was shipped overnight in a HUGE box with all kinds of goodies in it from alcohol pads to needles to the actual medication.
Yesterday afternoon we went for our "shot training".
I was quite nervous, afterall I am not the RN here my sister is. Why isn't she here ????
The instructor for this class was wonderful, young gal in her 20's.
She is an insulin dependent diabetic and is comfortable with the drill and very at ease with showing others how to do it.
She showed me how to prepare the injection. This took a few practice runs because the first 2 times I bent the needle. SIGH I guess I was more nervous than I thought.
My son's confidence was waning while he watched me screw that up 0_0
Finally after practicing the actual injecting into a rubber pad that is supposed to resemble the feel of something human I was ready for the real thing.
My son was nervously wiggling all over the exam table as I approached him with the needle.
With the instructors help on how to pinch the skin to prepare the area my son began saying ..... OHHH NO THIS IS GONNA HURT !
We counted to 3 and then I went for it.
His eyes were as big as saucers as I know mine were too while I waited for his reaction.
After finishing injecting the medication and removing the needle he said "Thats it ? "
He kept looking at his arm trying to find the spot where he had just been injected and said
"Wow that hardly even hurt !"
That is as close to a WAY TO GO MOM as I was going to get.
I felt the weight of the world being lifted at that point as the instructor said I had done a great job.
After leaving the office and watching him for possible side effects I felt more confidant that I could do this .. heck I have to do this, I am just glad it wasn't as traumatic for my son as I feared.
This morning as I was preparing his injection my husband was just about to walk out the door on his way to work.
I said .. You know , you have to learn how to do this too.
He responded by saying "Yeah I know, I will" but I could tell this was not something that was on his list of things to do right away.
I have a feeling he wants to see that our son will really be OK with me giving the shots before he has to do it.
I have a few other caregivers that will have to know how to do it too in the event that I am not able too some days. I know they are nervous as well but trust me folks if I can do this ..... anyone can !
Or ..... Call my sister !
My son's meds were approved by the insurance company !
Wooo Hoo !!
He can now begin "growing" again.
Thats the good thing ... the iffy part for him is just how that growing gets done and who is responsible for making that happen.
Me .. I am the one that "makes it happen".
Me, coming at him with the meds to make it happen which involves ultra fine needle injections 2 x a day.
It's not the kind of growth med that the athletes are using to improve their bodies and their game. If you are an adult and have already stopped growing, this will do nothing for you. Due to that there is only a limited number of years, depending on your childs age and development, that this therapy can be used and be effective. It will only work in children that have been diagnosed with Severe Primary IGF-1.
He has been prepped for this for months. We have talked at length about having to "get a shot" 2 times a day so that he knew there would be no delusions when and if it started. He is totally onboard for it because he realizes this is the only way to help him catch up in his height and be able to meet eye to eye with "Joe" at school.
Joe the kid that has come up with all kinds of descriptive monikers (insert sarcasm here) for his height.
The starter kit of medications arrived last week. It was shipped overnight in a HUGE box with all kinds of goodies in it from alcohol pads to needles to the actual medication.
Yesterday afternoon we went for our "shot training".
I was quite nervous, afterall I am not the RN here my sister is. Why isn't she here ????
The instructor for this class was wonderful, young gal in her 20's.
She is an insulin dependent diabetic and is comfortable with the drill and very at ease with showing others how to do it.
She showed me how to prepare the injection. This took a few practice runs because the first 2 times I bent the needle. SIGH I guess I was more nervous than I thought.
My son's confidence was waning while he watched me screw that up 0_0
Finally after practicing the actual injecting into a rubber pad that is supposed to resemble the feel of something human I was ready for the real thing.
My son was nervously wiggling all over the exam table as I approached him with the needle.
With the instructors help on how to pinch the skin to prepare the area my son began saying ..... OHHH NO THIS IS GONNA HURT !
We counted to 3 and then I went for it.
His eyes were as big as saucers as I know mine were too while I waited for his reaction.
After finishing injecting the medication and removing the needle he said "Thats it ? "
He kept looking at his arm trying to find the spot where he had just been injected and said
"Wow that hardly even hurt !"
That is as close to a WAY TO GO MOM as I was going to get.
I felt the weight of the world being lifted at that point as the instructor said I had done a great job.
After leaving the office and watching him for possible side effects I felt more confidant that I could do this .. heck I have to do this, I am just glad it wasn't as traumatic for my son as I feared.
This morning as I was preparing his injection my husband was just about to walk out the door on his way to work.
I said .. You know , you have to learn how to do this too.
He responded by saying "Yeah I know, I will" but I could tell this was not something that was on his list of things to do right away.
I have a feeling he wants to see that our son will really be OK with me giving the shots before he has to do it.
I have a few other caregivers that will have to know how to do it too in the event that I am not able too some days. I know they are nervous as well but trust me folks if I can do this ..... anyone can !
Or ..... Call my sister !
wowzahs - you did it!
Life just keeps handing ya syringes and you just injecting, don't ya? YOU GO GIRL!!!
Now grow quickly child - GROW!
That I do Mama !
I must admit I am still extremely nervous giving the shots.
Last night we had to rotate to the upper thigh and I was definitely worried about how that one would go.
He took it OK but it still makes me cringe each time.
Now I know why I didn't persue nursing. 0_0
Is he still taking it well?
I bet by the end you'll be able to inject him while driving over traintracks with him in the back seat. You'll be a PRO!
My first thought when I read this was NO WAY, NO HOW, I would want THE BOSS to jab me with a needle...but then my second thought was " who better THAN the boss!?!"
I always knew you could handle a ....prick?
I think you need to go to confession for that one Ms.Marksmom !
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