Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Leaving these wheels behind ....

Yes .. tomorrow I do believe I will take him for his learners permit.
I know doing this will put that skateboard on a shelf in the garage where it will now collect dust.
He is 16 1/2 and I have held him off as long as I could but it's time.
I must admit for somewhat selfish reasons too.

Hey I need some milk .. go get some.
Pick up your brother from school.
Do the Mickey D's drive thru run for me tonight.
AHHH to have another driver in the house besides myself during the week.
There are benefits YES but all the same ...

I know I will miss the skateboarding days.
ps .. thanks Mm for the picture posting tips !


MNBandMom said...

First of all WHOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO at the picture posting!! You go girl!!! Oh and how come when you tell me how to do something, you're bossing me but when I tell YOU...it's helpful tips???

AND YAY to Son #1!!! Don't back into any cars parked in the street!

Drama "O" said...

SIGH ....

Because I am the BOSS !

Why is this difficult for you ??

MNBandMom said...

I liked you better when you were picture posting ignorant. Fame has gone to your head.

Mama said...

Oh yes - now you have something to lord over his head!!!!

It's one thing to say, "If you want keys to the car, you will do X." It's another to say, "If you want your skateboard privileges, you will do X" - ya know?

I like your observation that he's trading one set of wheels for another - weep.