Thursday, June 19, 2008

Squeaky Wheel ?? Does it really get the grease ?

We are preparing for our second battle with the state to provide services to our son which will take place next week.

This is proving to be much more the bureaucratic nightmare than at times I have the stamina for, I have come VERY close 2 times in the last week to throwing in the towel.

I spent a few days this week navigating the system for just one answer ... Who is the boss of the Doctor who is making these descisions?

Should be simple right ??
Life has taught me that EVERYONE has to answer to SOMEONE .

This has proven to be one of my harder missions yet.
Over the years I have been able to locate people in places I wish I hadn't found them, but because of my need to get to the bottom of something I have started, I succeeded.

For this mission though .. I started with my state senators office.

Even they didn't know who the boss was but they agreed to try to find out for me.

I placed some more phone calls directly to the capital office. That was interesting to say they least because they too didn't know who the boss was.
Eventually I stirred enough pots that I started getting phone calls back from people I hadn't even called in the first place.

The return phone calls often resulted in .. "Oh thats not our division" but thankfully I had one man that offered to check it out and get back to me with the info I was looking for.
Get this folks .. HE DID !

So now I had the boss lady's number and all I had to do was make the call.
I sat on the number for a few hours trying to decide if I could go through the story ONE more TIME.

After a few cans of Coke to rev me up for the call I dialed the number.

She picks up first ring ... THUD !
I had to regain my composure quickly.

I then went through my concerns and requested that another Doctor review his case.
Ultimately I would have liked to have asked that the former Doc be removed all together. I wanted to also ask how I can file a complaint so that she will never be able to access my sons records again .. but I had to keep reminding myself that that may make me look like the "crazy indenial parent" that I know the first Doc has painted me to be.

The boss lady agreed to try to get another Doc to review the records before next weeks hearing.
I am not sure if I will be told the results of that review or if the status of the hearing will change because of it.
Will Doc number 1 be removed from the case ? No clue.
Will Doc number 2 agree with Doc number 1 ? I guess thats a possibility, the state is looking to cut across the board , but it was a chance I had to take.
What if Doc number 2 doesn't agree with Doc number 1 .. then will it all be dropped ?

I have been tested this week.
Keeping myself together , remaining calm yet firm on the phone through the jungle of redirected calls, is not one of my best qualities.

I'm am waiting the outcome of this week .... SIGH .
PATIENCE, Breathe in 123, Breathe out 123.


MNBandMom said...

Ok, first of all - bravo to you for doing this. It's hard's tedious ...and you DO feel like throwing in the towel. BUT... you haven't!!! WHOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!

Secondly - I AM FLOCKING DYING that you had to know who THE BOSS was.....choking back tears here!!

Anyone see the irony here??

Drama "O" said...

Bosses unite MM !

We have a common bond and she agreed to have another Doc review his file ;)

I will fill you in on those results via another blog post.

Mama said...


Another DR. is reviewing the file? SHUT UUUUP!

My fingers are all crossed here.