I am seeing a light at the end of the legal hellish tunnel.
We were notified that the appeal with the state for my son's services will be held on April 1st.
I found that very appropriate somehow ;)
Our lawyer for the case we have against the school district called yesterday and I have to go sign the settlement papers for that on Monday.
The only issue now left hanging in the wind is if our insurance company will cover the IGF-1 medications that my son will need for growth.
The company that produces the medication is willing to send us a starter kit until we get that descision but I think we will hold off for a few reasons.
1. We will be going away for a cruise and a 3 day jaunt to New York City in April and I don't want to have to subject my sil or anyone else for that matter to having to inject him.
2. The possible side effects worry me and I want to be here to watch him closely if they should occur .. again it wouldn't be fair to ask someone else to take on that worry as well.
3. What if we start the medication with the "free starter kit" and then find out the insurances won't cover it ?
Now we have started something that financially we very likely would have to stop.
DAMN I hate that in this country even WITH insurance we still have to decide between mortgages and food or medications.
As a parent it SUCKS to have to potentially say to your child that you understand he wants to be taller and there is medication that can make that happen but you just may not be able to provide that.
After talking to "Michelle" from the company that produces the medication and discussing my concerns about starting the meds now when we know we will be away in a few weeks, she informed me that if we do wait until we get back that we may also have a descision from the insurance companies on coverage.
So now the dilemma is should we just wait for that word ? Or if they have to appeal it and it takes longer for an answer do we go ahead and start him on the "free starter kit" when we return ??
Tough choices and we are struggling with them.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
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Ok - let me be the first to say...
Well, almost over.
I want nothing to interfere with our jet skiing, but it seems the insurance coverage will be. sigh Will have to drink some mojitos to help forget. :)
I have a good feeling that they will cover it. Call me crazy, though. With 1.0, she had to get monthly injections that (back then) were a bit over $1000 a shot and everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) told me it wouldn't be covered. But it was - with no hassle at all. So I'm hopeful for you about this!!!!!
Oh - and another reason I'm hopeful for ya...
What I've noticed Drama-O is that you always get slammed with shat and you ALWAYS seem to come out on top. Mr. Drama loses his job - and he gets a better job closer for more bucks. That's just the story of your life. You often get slammed, but things work out so well in the end. Ergo, I'm totally thinking they'll cover it. And knowing you, he'll probably qualify for some study that will now also pay your mortgage. :)
argh - I posted and it went away!! Flocking net!!
I wrote that we had a similar dilemnna with paying for Mark's communication device so I understood your fears on that ( he was denied by Med Asst and it would have taken 6 - 9 mos for the appeal ) -- we rolled the dice and bought it anyway hoping Blue Cross would pay for most of it...which they eventually did. I also said that it is damned sad in this country that you can't pay for medications your loved ones need ( I said a lot more cool stuff and sounded brilliant but alas...I'm not gonna type it again. No comment Mama ).
I am with you on waiting until after the cruise for the starter kit question is " what happens if he is NEVER approved and you have already started the kit? How long does the kit last?"
1) Wait till you get back before starting the meds.
2) While you wait for the final decision from insurance, find other people in the area in the same boat. Offer to be their spokesperson if the insurance company refuses coverage.
3) Armed with a list of affected constituents, contact Congressman Kanjorski. Do not e-mail. Preferably, call. Tell his office who you are and why you're calling. Follow-up with a real snail-mail letter.
4) Do the same with other legistlators: US Senate, state representatives, and state senators.
These are starting are an effective speaker who doesn't back down. This is your kid...make your voice heard.
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