Monday, February 25, 2008

But I can't go to school today.

Yesterday my youngest starts with the sniffles.

Sure enough within a few hours his eyes look all puffy .. something we haven't seen since we had to bid our overweight cat goodbye when the same child was shown to be highly allergic to her.

It seems to be a run of the mill cold .. but time will tell if we need to head to the Doctors office, no fever just feeling blah.

So now I may have to drag his puffy eyed , stuffy nosed little self into work with me just long enough to finish up my time sheet for the previous 2 weeks or there will be no paycheck on Wednesday.
I can put him in a chair in my office and tell him not to breathe on anyone while I get that accomplished and I'm sure one look at him and they will know why I can't stay for the day and avoid the cute lil thing like the plague.

We also had an appointment for him tomorrow for a re check on his Asthma but between said cold and freezing rain predictions for tomorrow I think that may be off too. That Doc is located 65 miles away across some roads in PA that are notoriously bad when that shat hits.

Oh well .. roll with it right ?
Chicken Soup anyone ??


MNBandMom said...

Oh man.... Nothing MORE fun than a sick kid...

Momijimanjyu said...

I'll roll with it!!